Large Volume Barile Method (M-300)

This test is intended for the mycoplasma testing of sera, cell culture media and reagents.

This test is a direct (broth/agar) culture technique described in the Large Volume Barile Method. Bionique enhances the method by utilizing three (3) proprietary mycoplasma media formulations to maximize detection of potentially fastidious cultivable mycoplasma species.

Barile, M. F. and Kern, J. Isolation of Mycoplasma arginini from Commercial Bovine Sera and Its Implication in Contaminated Cell Cultures. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. 138:432-437 (1971).

Total Testing Time:
28 days

Sample Requirements:
Minimum Test Volume = 55 mL
100 mL aliquot preferred

*Note: Submitting less than the required volume will impact the test sensitivity. Tests will be initiated if sample volume is found to be insufficient at time of set-up.

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